Hire a Bag Piper
Bagpipers Available For Hire in Conwy


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Piper Greater Manchester, #1778  
Greater Manchester Piper #1778
Much of my experience was gained whilst playing with the Pipes and Drums of The Black Watch in the British Army. Since then I have played civilian pipe bands in competitions and concert all over the UK. In September 2010 I performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
Piper Lancashire, #2856  
Lancashire Piper #2856
Piper Lancashire, #4187  
Lancashire Piper #4187
A professional Scottish Bagpiper for hire. I grew up in Glasgow and started learning the pipes at 11 years old. Then moved to the north of England in my early 20s. I have 30 years continuous experience playing to a high standard with pipe bands in Scotland and England. I have competed with pipe bands at the elite Grade 1 & Grade 2 levels. I’ve also performed at international military tattoos, conc